"ASSEMBLED DIORAMA" Unique Bandai Star Wars Tie fighter 1/72. This is one more item from my personal collection of self assembled model kits that I do not want to sell, although, will part for the right price. I like to say that purchasing a customized model kit diorama is like purchasing art, you are getting a one of a kind item, there is no other out there. This diorama consists of a Bandai Star Wars Tie Fighter 1/72 Model Kit, completely built, painted and weathered inside-out. The quality detail is top notch.
I have added three asteroids, connected by clear stims that also connects to the back of the fighter (not glued to the fighter) and serves as a base. The cabin interior is completely detailed and includes a Imperial Pilot, also detailed. The overall is a very beautiful steady piece. Dimensions 8" H x 8" W x 8 D. If this is for you, I hope it makes you happy as it makes me.